Fleksibel støydempende mikrofon bom med visuelle og taktile indikatorer for å sikre nøyaktig posisjonering. Aktiverer bedre lydkvalitet og klarere samtaler med stemmeoptimalisert frekvensrespons • Finjuster det akustiske perspektivet til hver oppfordring til en mer naturlig lyd samtale med justerbar sidetone (Bare USB) • Støtter SoundGuard Digital avansert akustisk beskyttelse— (Anti-startle, G616 og TWA) (bare USB) • Stol på ekspertisen til en produsent det er kontakt med bedriftsklasse senterhodesett i over 50 år
Detaljer på HP Poly EncorePro HW510
CONNECTS TO PC or desk phone with Poly audio processors or cables
IDEAL FOR Telephone-intensive users, including formal customer care centers, and customer service organizations
AUDIO PERFORMANCE Wideband audio (up to 6,800 Hz), noise canceling microphone
HEARING PROTECTION SoundGuard technology, acoustic limiting for protection against sounds above 118 dBA
CONNECTS TO PC. IDEAL FOR Telephone intensive users, including formal customer care centers
and customer service organisations where employees have their own desks
AUDIO PERFORMANCE Wideband audio (up to 6,800 Hz), noise canceling microphone
HEARING PROTECTION SoundGuard digital: G616 support limits the level to 102 dBSPL;
Time weighted Average (TWA) prevents average daily sound
exposure from exceeding 85 dBA or 80 dBA. Built in support helps
IT meet the appropriate Noise at Work regulations
Certified forTeams and built for UC applications and softphones from Avaya, Cisco and others**
CONNECTS TO PC via DA90 Audio processor
IDEAL FOR Telephone intensive users, including formal customer care centers and customer service organizations who want to track headset inventory
AUDIO PERFORMANCE Wideband audio (up to 6,800 Hz), noise canceling microphone
HEARING PROTECTION SoundGuard technology, acoustic limiting for protection against sounds above 118 dBA
LIMITED WARRANTY Two years (applies to all models)